Welcome to Bucky's Challenge 2024
Official Rules
First, you will need to print the required “CHALLENGE” sign and download the Library Waypoint GPX file, both found on the Bucky Challenge Files page of this site. The GPX file contains the locations of all 99 libraries used in this challenge.
Once you have arrived near the waypoint, you will need to take a picture with the following requirements:
A clear selfie of you with the "CHALLENGE" sign and the library in the background.
Email the picture to buckychallenge@gmail.com to get credit for this year’s challenge, include the county name in the subject line and add your geocaching name to the body of the email. Please send one picture/county per email.
Please indicate in the email if you DO NOT agree to let us post your photo on the IGO Instagram account.
All 2024 challenge participants will receive a Bucky’s Challenge pathtag and will be entered into a drawing for prizes based on the regions. Each submission earns you one entry into that region’s drawing. Region winners will be drawn at Hike-n-Seek.
Extra Rules and Fine Print:
The SAME person MUST be in each photo submitted to get credit
The "Challenge" sign must be included in the photo
The library must be in the background
All COVID-19 rules apply
The deadline for photo submissions is September 3, 2024 at 11:59PM